首頁 本系沿革


本系於民國60年奉准成立,招收一班六十名學生,初無專職系主任,由黃大受老師擔任本系指導教授。民國65年至66年,由日間部甲凱老師兼任本系系主 任。民國68年至75年,由黃大受老師接掌系務。民國76年至80年,由陳守亭老師為專任系主任。民國81年至83年,由劉增泉老師擔任系主任。 民國84年至95年,由林立樹老師接任系主任。民國95年起,日夜間部歷史學系行政統一,由雷俊玲老師擔任。自民國98年至100學年度由克思明老師擔任。101至106學年度由林桶法老師擔任。107學年度起迄今由陳識仁老師擔任本系系主任。 本系原為五年制,在夜間上課。自民國八十學年度起,因夜間部朝第二部發展,故畢業年限縮短為四年,上課時間為下午及夜間。至民國86學年度轉型為進修教 育學士班後,恢為五年制,在夜間上課。民國90年學度改為四年制。


Department of History

The Department of History was established in 1971. Its thousands of alumni are engaged in a wide variety of careers, highly regarded by their employers. The department educates students to conduct research in both Chinese and Western history so as to facilitate the flow of culture between East and West. Students are trained to develop the three characteristics of an accomplished historian: talent, scholarship, and moral integrity. Upon graduation students are able to undertake independent research, engage in advanced studies, and contribute to historical scholarship.